The interested individuals holding a minimum of bachelor degree in Animal Science, Dairy Science/ Technology, Fishery Science and Technical Education are eligible to obtain the membership of NASA. At present, there is a provision for three categories of the membership for the national and international personnel engaged in livestock profession, e.g. Life Member (L), Ordinary Member (0), and Associate Member (A). The former two categories can be awarded to the Nepalese professionals, whilst foreign nationals are only eligible for the later category.
Membership fee
- Life Member: NRs.3000.00
- Ordinary Member: NRs.500.00
- Associate Member: NRs.5000.00
Ordinary Members have to renew their membership every year.
Members in NASA
At present, NASA has around 350 members from different national and international institutions. It includes 200 Life Members, 100 Ordinary Members and 50 Associate Members.